My dear friend, Lauren has been complaining that no one has been blogging lately, or rather her fiends haven’t been blogging. Life is happening at such an alarming rate that it leaves no time for blogging, at least in my home, but I have to agree that many of my friends haven’t been blogging lately, so hopefully I can resurrect this blog by trying to post things again. Hmm. . . where does one start?

At the beginning of May, I attended an annual foster care banquet for foster parents. My Lutheran Stud wasn’t able to attend, so I brought my oldest daughter with me. We had a fabulous time dining, but not wining, on a great meal. We sat with the director of the county human services department. I tried to make a case for some wine or beer at the next banquet, but have come to find out that government money cannot be spent on alcohol. Whaaat??? Is there anyone out there who would like to donate funds or several bottles of wine at our next banquet? Haha!!! There were raffle drawings at the end of the evening and we both got lucky! Rebecca won a Fandango gift card and I won $100 gift card to King Soopers! Yay for us!

The very next day, this sweet little guy and I hopped on a plane to Chicago, but not before our fun little adventure with security. When I made it to the front of the security line I was told that my boarding pass did not match my driver’s license. (Now, for all of my close friends you will probably know why.) I was sent to check-in again and get a new boarding pass. I feel so special receiving this card so I could cut to the front of the line when I went through security again.

I made it through the first part of security, meaning the part where they match your boarding pass to your ID, only to get through the metal detector area and get stopped again. Just so you know peanut butter is not allowed in your carry on. We, and our dear friends have fallen in love with
Nutzo. While it’s a little pricey, it’s way better than plain peanut butter, so it’s more of a treat than an everyday thing. I purchase it at our local Costco and our friends don’t have it in Illinois, so I thought it’d be nice to bring them some. Apparently, peanut butters are a liquid? Who knows. I started telling the TSA guy all about it and even tried to convince him to take the Nutzo home, but he said he’d get fired, so instead, they threw it in the trash. AHHH!! It was a brand new unopened plastic jar. At this point, he was done discussing the Nutzo and had moved on to the baby bottles which I filled with water in case Baby J had to eat on the plane. Since I was annoyed that he took my Nutzo, I told him that the bottles were filled with Scotch, not water. He told me that my flight sounds like it will be quite a party and off we went. So, to be clear, nut butters are not allowed, but baby bottles with Scotch are allowed in your carry on. ;) We made it to the gate just in time to board the plane where Baby J got his own seat and slept almost the entire flight. Thank you to the
Southwest Airlines flight attendants who were so kind and helpful when I needed to change Baby J’s diaper. It was quite smelly and they gladly helped me squish into that restroom and then took that nasty diaper afterward.

We walked off the plane just as my friend Mandy was arriving to pick us up at the airport, so we made it just in time to catch the end of Bethany Lutheran Church’s Lay Theological Conference taught by my Lutheran Stud! He was teaching on the topic of Heaven and Hell. Do you wonder what heaven and hell will be like? Well, just ask my husband. He’s done a lot of research on the topic.

After the conference, it was play time for the rest of the weekend. Our sweet little goddaughter was on the verge of turning one. She loved trying to play with Baby J and he found her to be equally entertaining.

Currently having baby boys in our home makes it difficult to walk by cute baby clothes and not have a baby girl to dress. Thankfully Annabelle doesn’t mind getting cute girlie things from her godparents.

Whenever Mandy and I get together we always find the best deals on our shopping sprees. Last time one of our favorite stores was going out of business, so the clothes were marked down at outrageously low prices. This time we were able to find a few good deals for ourselves and then hit up a big baby consignment sale and found some amazing deals for our little babies.

These guys did a great job on baby duty while we were shopping. Downtown Naperville is a cute little area filled with shops, restaurants, and some parks. Maybe they went to the park with the babies. Maybe they stopped by the store and picked up some to-go coffee cups. And, maybe there was beer for sale at the store too. Who knows?

While we were in town we also got the chance to see our friends that live not too far from Naperville. They were sweet enough to meet us for dinner and then we went out for ice cream too. It’s been a few years since we’ve seen the boys. They were such a hoot and loved entertaining Baby J.

Katie was just out to visit this past January, so it was fun to see her again when we were in town. Hans was unusually quiet and pleasant since he was supposed to be resting his voice. Ha!

Our visit had to eventually come to an end, so it was back to Denver after the weekend where we circled the airport 3 times before we were able to land. Storms had been rolling around the area. Can you spot the airport down there? Until next time. . .