Monday, May 14, 2012

The Lord's Prayer

I've been working with Anna to say the Lord's Prayer by herself. She can pretty much do it on her own, but she won't say it when we ask her to. David was kind of the same way. He has known the Lord's Prayer forever, but just won't say it. While I was practicing with Anna, he went up to his dad and said, "Dad, I know the Lord's Prayer." Then he just started saying. My Lutheran Stud then said, "David! You just earned your first memory award."

Sunday, Mother's Day, he received his first award. I couldn't have been happier. Then I even convinced him to say it for the video camera. See the video below. Enjoy!


Adriane said...

My little guy is all grown up. He doesn't need a baby rescuer anymore! Sniffle. SOB.

Gretchen said...

You two make the cutest kids. Way to go, David!