As long as we have been in Colorado the Rocky Mountain District Pastors' conference has been held at the
Beaver Run Resort and Conference center. I can't even begin to describe how ginormous this place really is except by saying that after four years of coming to this place I have finally figured it out. In the photo is the conference area. There are three other buildings which are hotel rooms and suites. All in all there are four buildings all connected by sky bridges. There are stairs and walkways all over the place and not all of them are stroller friendly. I figured this all out the hard way the first few years that we came here. You can check out previous years
here. The first time that we came to Beaver Run Jared was asked to help serve communion at the divine service. Now picture this chaos. Imagine hundreds of pastors and teachers from the Rocky Mountain District in the lobby of a hotel trying to check into their rooms all at once. Some of these people even have children. What were they thinking bringing their kids? So now you've got pastors, teachers, and children in a small lobby. Our room wasn't ready, so I was left in the lobby with tired children while my Lutheran Stud took off to set up for the opening service. Fast forward a bit and we made it through the divine service with crabby children. I found Keri and we hung out in their room while our husbands were off attending their sessions. Keri got a phone call that my husband had passed out in the middle of a session. Sorry Al Collver, I think it was his session. I had no idea where I was or where I needed to go. I was on the upper level of part of the hotel and I could see paramedics running. I had no idea how to get to where they were. I eventually made it down to the conference area to see my husband laying on the floor looking as pale as a ghost. I guess that's not saying much since you've all seen him. Well, to be safe we made a trip to the ER. When we got to the hospital the doctor was trying to get Jared's medical history straight, but Jared was a bit out of it and the next thing I know he's asking him if we all went to college together. I'm sitting in the corner staring at this guy because I know who he is and perhaps you do to if you've ever seen the show called
The Bachelor or maybe you've seen this show called
The Doctors. You can check out our ER visit
here and also read about out adventure the next year when I lost three children but chould still here them screaming. Whew!

Well after 5 years we've grown a lot, in more ways than one. We now make the trek to Breckenridge a day early so we're not rushed or stressed. Jared continues to help with communion during the divine service. There are usually four stations where people receive communion and it still takes forever to get through the service. Now that my children are older they are better at sitting through a divine service that lasts an hour and half. The evenings are super chilly in the mountains, so we've been able to enjoy quiet evenings around the fireplace.

With a large family we need a little extra space, so we usually stay in a two bedroom suite with a full kitchen.

Being here for three nights can get expensive, so I usually plan out all of our meals and we eat here in our room. We usually get together with other friends and share the cooking load. Our husbands often see friends and invite them to dinner, so we usually have plenty of food. I forgot pics of that this year, but you can check out one of our fun evenings with Dr. Kleinig, the Wolfmuellers, Graffs, and Kachelmeiers from last year

Sometimes it's boring being cooped up in a hotel room, so I took the children exploring one of the days. I told you that this place is huge right? There are two swimming pools, a workout area, and an arcade room. Jared took the kids swimming while I worked out on the elliptical. They even have a random cow in the arcade area. What?

Mini golfing can keep one entertained for a little while.

Who needs quarters when your children don't know any better.

They actually think they're playing or driving.

I'm not sure what other pastors' conferences are like, but from talking to friends they seem a bit different than ours. These pastors have things going on late into the night. The first evening there is usually a beer and wine reception. Then it seems that there are get togethers all over the hotel in private rooms. We watched the Wolfmueller kids one evening, so they could go to a teachers' party. The next evening my husband didn't come back until midnight. I was sound asleep by then.

After supper there are usually short papers given by pastors. I attended this one by Pastor Wolfmueller called Praise Music is Mysticism. That was a bit controversial, but having a Pentecostal background I completely understand where he's coming from.
Dr. Hein spoke about Christian Nurture. If you're into Classical Christian education he is a wonderful resource. Both were fabulous papers.
Forget the pastors' conference. I want to hang out in your super-sweet suite!
I was so sad to miss it this year, PLUS, Ryan was presenting. Hopefully he will next year as well. Plus, I didn't get to see your friendly face!
I missed seeing you too, Colleen. I also missed Ryan's paper. Jared went and enjoyed it though.
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