Earlier this week the older kids and I took a field trip to the Butterfly Pavilion. They had a special program called Insect Fables going on. It was a real hoot. They learned about all sorts of invertebrates, crustaceans, butterflies, and arachnids.
This was a great program. The Colorado Chambers Players came and performed as one of the members read fable like stories.
There was an oboe, bass, viola, violin, percussion instruments as well as digital piano.
That belonged to a huge lobster.
Cocoons. Neat, huh?
That’s a stick bug. Those were fun. Since they blend in with their surrounding it’s almost a hunt to find them.
The kids even did a little dancing and played a game.
How would like to find one of those in your house?
And of course the kids always want to hold Rosie the Spider whenever we visit.
It sort of tickles the hand.
Shedding a little skin.
And this is when my camera battery died. :( I think the kids were looking at spiders or something.
The rest of these photos I took with my phone. They’re not great, but there were some cool insects and butterflies to see.
There were butterflies everywhere. It was awesome! They were so pretty.
Your pictures with your phone are better than most of mine with my camera! Looks like you had fun!
No they aren't Kel. You are getting better with your camera. You just needed a few tips. :)
What an adventure!
Your phone takes much better pictures than my ancient blackberry. Glad you were still able to capture the moment.
Looks like a great feild trip!
I've recently stumbled onto your blog from IndianaJane. I'm a 20 year old Christian, baby Lutheran and recently committed homeschool mom. I haven't decided yet if I need to be committed, or if I'm just committed to schooling my kids.
I've been reading lots from other moms who juggle it all. We'll see how I do.
Looking forward to getting to "know" you on your blog.
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