Elizabeth is now a big 1 1/2 year old! Jared says she’s totally spoiled. She just screams at the top of her lungs and someone gets in trouble. It’s a pretty loud shriek too. She’s been drooling like crazy. Maybe that has to do with 4 teeth that are coming through. At any rate, she loves playing with anything that someone else has in their hands. Hence, the shrieking.
Elizabeth and Anna just love each other. Can you tell? Anna’s holding on for dear life. Elizabeth doesn’t seem to mind. If it were someone else she probably would.
Anna is going to be crawling soon. She practicing by trying to climb over Elizabeth. She has been crawling backwards like a champ. I think she’ll be crawling forward soon since she has been perfecting her rocking on her knees.Sisters. I’m sure they’ll be the best of friends as they get older.
Elizabeth actually likes to share things with Anna. She was kind enough to bring her, her own little car. Anna just wants to eat the thing, while Elizabeth is driving hers around.
Anna, now six months old, is getting into a really fun stage. She loves her feet. She loves grabbing at everything and then it goes into her mouth. Lovely! She and Elizabeth have been enjoying sharing their room for a few months now. She is sleeping about 10 or 11 hours at night. It’s been fun to hear Anna wake up talking to herself after her naps and grinning from ear to ear when you come in to get her.
This is a typical look for her when she’s contemplating something. I wonder if it’s a sign of the future. Maybe when she and Elizabeth get older, they’ll be plotting things together.
So Cute!
I heard that it's an Asian superstition that when they find their toes it's time to have another baby...
Rachel, I'm not sure where you get those silly ideas...I've never heard that one. :)
These pictures are so cute! Looks like will be the best of friends!
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