Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Vacation Bible School

Genesis 1:1-31 describes how God created a perfect world in six days, including perfect weather. This became the theme of Vacation Bible School at Mt. Zion. The children made crafts, did science experiments, and played games that all had to do with water or the second day of creation.
_MG_6786.jpgThomas's birthday came on the heels of vacation bible school. The kids had a fabulous week and a few days during that week I had 9 children asleep at the same time, in the afternoon.
_MG_6745.jpgThis year Mt. Zion decided to try something new by adding science into the mix. The children studied the second day of creation which is all about water.
_MG_6727.jpgWater games were all the rage outside.
The children made rain sticks and rainbows in craft time._MG_6732.jpgRainbows were came in all different styles from paint to crepe paper.
_MG_6777.jpgBible lessons were taught in a boat if you were in the right class.
_MG_6790.jpgRebecca graduated from VBS and was a group leader for the week. She tended to the preschoolers.
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Science experiments were tested during science time. Have you ever tried the pop and Mentos experiment?
_MG_6793.jpgThere was a lot of glue and sequins used during VBS week. It was crazy fun! You can find more photos here.

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