Sunday, July 6, 2014

May Randomness

_MG_6020.jpgThe month of May appeared out of nowhere. In the beginning of the month we ladies joined the ladies at church for brunch while the boys all went to baseball.
IMG_0105My dear friend, Gretchen, flew into town for work, and we were able to meet up for dinner one evening. 
IMG_0115My parents the flew into town that night and our children could not have been happier.
IMG_9081Everyone enjoys this park, so we always end up there when we want a little time out of the house. 
_MG_6110.jpgIt has the best playground for kids of all ages.
_MG_6151.jpgMy parents are typical Asians that enjoy taking a photo here and there, and everywhere.
_MG_6023.jpgDuring my parents' visit the boys had baseball, of course. Everyone fit perfectly in one row of the bleachers.
_MG_6034.jpgDavid has improved dramatically throughout this season and we look forward to watching him next year when we get rid of that darn tee. 
_MG_6041.jpgThomas was on the older end of his team. Many of the players were actually younger than David. Watching Thomas's team this year has been a ton of fun. They even had a triple play of which Thomas made 2 of the outs.
IMG_0136With the school year coming to an end we also attended a greaduation party that was filled with good friends, food, and silly string! IMG_0160
Near the end of May we headed south to celebrate little Harper's 2nd birthday. The kids had a blast with their balloon animals and sprayed on tattoos!
The month of May seemed to fly by! Where does the time go?

1 comment:

Adriane said...

You guys pack a lot into one month! What fun.