Lions and,

leopards and,

bears, oh my!

The sun was shining which can make the weather a little deceiving. Garrett was wondering why he was dragged out into the cold.

Blankets, hats, and walking in the brisk cool air made it not so cold.

We saw rhinos trying to knock large posts over or maybe he's sharpening his tusk. I wouldn't want to run into one of these guys in the jungle.

Did I mention that our little cousins had never been out to visit Colorado, let alone out of the state of Washington? We were so excited that they came to stay with us!

There are amazing photo ops all over the zoo and my children now know which statues I always make them pose with.
My older girls were a big help in the stroller department. I was able to stroll around quite leisurely.

The children are wondering if they could take down this Komodo Dragon. What do you think?

The Komodo Dragon was thinking about how he could take down our children. Who would win?

If it wasn't for a tail skimming the water I'm sure one would never even notice this lizard.

These two probably didn't see the lizard, but the lizard saw them. If he wasn't behind some thick glass I wonder what he'd do. Hmm. . .

The children had some time to make some music but,

this gorilla probably didn't enjoy their music, assuming he could hear it.

We spotted a couple of love birds through our jaunt in the tropical discovery,

and then it was off to find some giraffes before heading home and warming back up. As long as the sun is shining it's always a nice day to visit the
Denver Zoo!
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