Friday, December 20, 2013

Breck 2013

After returning from our vacation, we were home just long enough to do laundry and pack again for our annual trip to Breckenridge. With our new foster child in tow we ended up driving two vehicles with us which worked out well because we had to pack for 9 people. We arrived a day before the pastors' conference was set to begin.
_MG_3136.jpgThis meant swimming in a pool and not having to share with anyone else. It was heavenly for our children.
_MG_3142.jpgThe conference started and I was able to attend part of President Anderson's Bible study which included this lovely animal it.
_MG_3145.jpgSoon after the Bible Study ended we took our usual jeeping trip up the mountain while our children attended Vaccation Bible School. Win-win, right?
_MG_3148.jpgDr. Rast was visiting as the keynote for the conference and it just happened to be the time when he had a free slot to join us.
_MG_3150.jpgAnna's a mama's girl and wanted nothing to do with VBS so, she went jeeping with us and loved it until she got outside and realized how cold it was at the summit of Georgia Pass.
_MG_3151.jpgWhen we arrived at the top there was a dog and his owner roaming around. It was such an odd sight since we've never seen anyone else up there before.
_MG_3157.jpgThe views were amazing as always.
_MG_3159.jpgThe morning of our departure we awoke to this beautiful sight.
_MG_3160.jpgIf it doesn't snow when you're in the mountains things just feel a little off so, this was a welcome sight to behold.
IMG_7150As things were winding down we spent a little time in the game room and visiting with friends._MG_3172.jpgThen it was time to head back down the mountain until next year.

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