We didn't really know what we wanted to do to celebrate the birthday of our country. We threw some ideas around since we live in an area surrounded by several fireworks shows. We ended up at our friends', Leon and Gina's, house.

Our children were pretty excited because Leon had their fire pit going. Elizabeth couldn't decide if she wanted to roast a marshmallow or just eat one. Guess what she chose to do?

The beginning of some fabulous s'mores were being made.

This, of course, was after the children filled up on homemade strawberry shortcake. I didn't get and photos because I was too busy scarfing down a bowl myself. It was an awesome shortcake. You should have been there.

Anna tried to roast her own marshmallow, but that didn't last too long with the many distractions everywhere. We ended up sharing a huge s'more.

The marshmallows were jumbo sized making the chocolate and graham crackers look tiny.

As the soon as the sun went down we walked over to the park right behind Gina and Leon's house. We set up our lawn chairs and before we knew fireworks were shooting into the sky! I wasn't quite ready for them.

It's been a few years since we've actually attended a show like this. They always start after our children's bedtimes and then just thinking about sitting in traffic has deterred us.

It was fun listening to our children "ooh and ahh" over the fireworks. Someone at the park even had patriotic music playing in the background.

The fireworks were just beautiful. There were even smiley faces, hearts, and USA initials. I missed those photos since I was also watching in amazement.

After the show Elizabeth said, "Mom, thank you for bringing us to watch the fireworks." That just made me melt and made it all worth, and because we walked over to the park we didn't have to deal with all of the crazy traffic. This might become a new tradition for us!
I am in awe of your beautiful photos! I still have not figured out fireworks or any night time photography. Yours are stunning!!
Amazing firework photos. What settings did you use? I still haven't figured it out!
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