Last week my Lutheran Stud spent a few days in Estes Park for some continuing ed. We met up with him on Tuesday to do what we love to do the most-explore by way of geocaching. However, first, after hearing that Noah's Ark was located in town, I had to find it. Here it is. You had no idea Noah's Ark was in Estes Park, CO did you?

If you go to the
Geocaching website or have the
app on your phone you can find nearby caches, and see how large the cache is, and/or find out the terrain difficulty. My lovely husband thought a more challenging terrain would be fun. Anna and I didn't end up making it up the steep terrain on this cache, but that didn't stop the rest of our clan.

They found the cache hidden in this huge boulder. Can you see it peeking out?

The next cache was a little easier to find.

Again, it was hidden under a rock. This time, though, there was a little rabbit next to it. The name of this cache was Thumper. Often times the title of a cache can be a clue to finding it.

Our next find took us on this road that was more like a jeeping trail. Actually, if you don't have a 4-wheel drive vehicle you probably wouldn't make too far on this road.

The Giving Tree was quite giving to our children.

It was full of goodies.

Every once in awhile I make my family pose for photos. Can you see the excitement on their faces?

We had to park and hike 1/2 a mile for our last cache.

It was a beautiful hike with random cacti along the way.

The higher we went the more spectacular the view became.

Wild flowers were also dispersed randomly on our trail.

We finally made it up some steep rocks and found this ammo can filled with treasures inside.

Well, maybe treasures for some and junk for others?

After a long hike we headed back down the mountain for a little treat at the Munchin' House.

Ice cream was a welcomed snack to cool everyone down.

Then it was off to dinner with friends at
Poppy's. The pizza was fabulous and since the children filled up on ice cream there was more pizza for us. Try it out if you're ever in Estes Park!
Did Jared need his nametag in the wilderness? Just wondering :)
I was thinking that exact thing. Awesome.
Jan has a lot of people to keep track of. They should all be wearing nametags.
Jan, we were just talking about you guys geocaching the other day. Now that Jonathan's almost 3, we've increased the kids' potential hike length to 5-6 miles. I was telling Derek we should geocache while we're out, but there's so much poison ivy he's not convinced. Your photos are lovely as always!
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