Have you gotten back into a school routine yet? We are getting there in our household. While we did have school all summer it was a bit more low key interspersed with some breaks here and there. Now we are trying to get back into things full boar! Some people have asked what curricula we use, so maybe I'll fill you in over the next few days or weeks. Our current grammar program is
Shurley English. We tried a different program as well, but ultimately enjoy this program. It has worked well for teaching as well as being easy to understand for the children.

The really great thing about this program is that everything is written out for you-- I mean everything, all the way down to what to a script to read to your children when you are teaching them. The program is laid out in a way that makes everything predictable which is how most children thrive. They know that they have jingles to practice, then there is a little review, and then a new lesson is taught. A few days a week there is also vocabulary where they get to use their dictionary skills.

Some days are a little repetitive, so, for us, sometimes we'll skip a lesson here or there. Right now, this seems to be the case with Thomas. He is picking things up so quickly that we've been able to move along and we're almost half way finished with his book. We should be starting Level 2 sooner rather than later. One of the many reasons I love to school our children at home is that we can move at a pace that works for each child.
I'm taking notes...
Go on...
Shurley took me awhile to get the hang of it, as a teacher, and I know it often overwhelmed some of my parents, but it really does work. The funny (annoying?) thing is how often their jingles get stuck in your head! :-)
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