We went to another Rockies game. It's nice to have church members that have similar interests to us. One of our members has season tickets. These tickets happen to be in a pretty good location at the ball field. I can't complain except for the net that is in the way, but I guess that's for our protection from foul balls. The Rockies play a lot of home games and when they are having a pretty dismal season it's hard to get motivated to go to the game, so you see, things have kind of worked in our favor. We really enjoy the Rockies-win or lose. We just love attending the games, not just for baseball, but for the atmosphere of being at the ballpark and people watching. I love people watching.

At this particular game I thought I spotted some people we knew. Can you see them?

Turns out I was right. The whole Sherrill clan was at the game too. We enjoyed a few innings with them in their seats.

Then it was back to our seats, after picking up a Purple Margarita, to witness what was looking like a disastrous game.

Then one of our guys hit a home run and things were looking up.

There were some close plays, but things didn't fare well for the Rockies that evening.

We did get to enjoy watching people, during the 7th inning stretch, fight for peanuts that were thrown down from the press box. With a team like the Rockies, I always have hope that they will make a come back late in the innings. A lot of times they do, so we never leave early. We stayed to the end and while they didn't win they did come close.

We routinely watch the post-game show after the Rockies game. When I saw that they were giving away passes to the Denver Zoo I decided to enter. Earlier this week I received a phone call saying that I won and my name would be announced on the show. Well, of course I had to get a photo and video of the whole thing. What makes this all even more fun is that Tracy Rigolsby, one of the Root Sports analysts, is related to the Melius family through marriage. His wife Jane is my father-in-law's cousin. Did you get all that? I only found this out months ago from another cousin, so I tweeted Tracy. He tweeted me back. So now you have to watch the video below to see what happens when he realizes that I won the zoo pass.
Tracy and Jane you should join us at the zoo, you are family, afterall. :)
1 comment:
Haha! That's funny--they talked about you on TV :)
You're famous now.
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