A few weeks ago I dropped my older girls off at church to help out at the
food pantry. I didn't feel like driving all the way back home just to turn around and pick them up a couple hours later, so the rest of the children and I decided to check out some thrift stores that we don't visit very often.
Kellee and I often text photos to each other when we're out thrifting in case one of us
wants needs a piece. Heather refuses to step foot in a Goodwill Outlet, so I had to send this photo to her when I stopped in. While I didn't find any Pyrex I did find a super cute pair of shoes for my little girls. They were just $0.60 and from The Gap. The Goodwill Outlet is crazy place where you dig through bins and pay for your items by the pound. One must have a ton of patience to shop there. (Here's your bird pic, Kel!)

For Easter, Jared's aunt brought me this adorble Verde casserole. Don't you just love the color?

Shortly after I received that piece I scored this entire set of Verde mixing bowls from a thrift store near our house. I couldn't believe that the entire set was there and in wonderful condition too.

At the same thrift store, that very same day, I found the blue, red and yellow bowls that I needed to complete my Primary Mixing bowl set. Isn't it pretty?

Then, again, at the same thrift store, I found this Rainbow Stripes bowl. It was paired with these two other bowls, which aren't even Pyrex. While I really only wanted the striped bowl, the Federal bowls are pretty cute to, so I caved and purchased them. It was a good day at that thrift store. :)

Here are a few of my favorite pieces just hanging out on my newly painted shelves. I've begun blogging about my Pyrex treasures over at the
Pyrex Collective III along with other
obsessed collectors, so check it out if you're interested.
Thank you for the bird picture. I am amazed by it every time I look at it :)
I am so JEALOUS of that bowl set. I have the same set, except for the yellow bowl, because I broke it. :-(
You and Heather are really making me want to get more Pyrex; it's just so darn useful! I have a brown bowl with gold roosters on it (that I found in my grandma's basement) and I use it ALL THE TIME for mixing stuff up.
Loving your pyrex!
Now I know what I will look for next time I am at the thirfts!
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