Heading back to Denver we saw snow on the mountains that wasn't there on our to the mountains. The temperatures are definitely changing around here. In fact, there is already one ski slope open for skiing as we speak.

Packing for this trip always means pulling out the fall and winter clothes and having the children try things on. We realized that Thomas needs pants and Rebecca needs a winter coat. There's a big outlet mall on our way home so we decided to stop. Dragging 6 kids and a husband around shopping isn't exactly thrilling, so while I shopped Jared took the kids geocaching, of course. They lucked out and found a few caches. I got my shopping done and we were on our way, except that there seemed to be another cache that was just waiting to be found. Here it is!

It was hidden behind this sign. The clue said we had to be really sneaky because the ranger isn't geocaching friendly. Uh-oh.

Rebecca found it. We signed it and quickly put it back before we got caught.

Then we hurried out of town and that was the end of our fun little trip. It was such a whirlwind of a trip, but so much fun. I even got the chance to meet some of you who read my blog and that totally made my day! We got stopped so many times when we were walking around or just hanging around the conference area. Thanks for reading. Rachel said, "Mom, a lot of people here know who we are." It was pretty funny. I had no idea that people actually read this blog besides my mom and dad and a few close friends.
Okay = I'm from NC and I love your blog. Can't remember how I found it. You might have been linked to someone else I read. I am a mom to 2 grown kids and a grandma to one little man and I love reading people's blogs. Your kids are cute and you take awesome pictures. You and your "stud" are doing a great job from where I sit.
Keep up the good work and have a great day!
Thank you, Karen! It's so nice to "meet" you.
Hi Jan, I'm a long time reader from Denmark. I Love reading about your life, wonderful children, your faith and the food offcourse!! Springled with your humor makes your blog a happy place.
Thank you Susan! I'm glad that you understand my humor with a bit of sarcasm. Nice to "meet" you too. :)
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