****Thank you for all of your prayers for Lawrence. Surgery went well and they are just watching and waiting for his body to start functioning on its own with just one kidney. They are also waiting on the pathology report so they can figure out what course of chemo he will need which should last 18-24 weeks, but as of right now they've been told that he won't need radiation. Thanks be to God!****
Last week was a pretty nice, sunny, and warm week. This week, not so much. Knowing that the weather was changing we made a trek to the church garden to collect some vegetables. It's getting a little sparse as everything is starting to die.

There was a lot of winter squash that hadn't been picked yet. I picked several of these, but have no idea what kind of squash this actually is.

I do know that these are pumpkins that probably won't make it since we are expecting a possible freeze this week and are no longer watering this plant. Poor pumpkins.

This was our first crop of beans. They're pretty much dead now.

However, in August we planted another crop of beans and they are beautiful and plentiful.

Anna tricked me by telling me that she would help me pick beans.

She was pretty excited about picking beans.

Now I know why. She was only helpful in filling up her belly with fresh green beans.

I was on my own. I think I picked about 3 pounds to go with another 3 already at home.

I even still have some tomatoes. 27 pounds to be exact. I can't decide what to make with all of these tomatoes. Hmm. . . how about some more salsa? Okay. Sounds good. Kel, do you want some tomatoes?

This year I'm thankful that we had cantaloupe in our garden and it was pretty good. Now the rest of these squash is a mystery to me. I have no idea what they are. I've got 33 pounds of that stuff and not a clue what to do with it. I've been told that those oblong things are spaghetti squash. Thoughts? That orange thing? No clue. What do you all think?
I'd peel the skins off the tomatoes and then just throw them quartered in freezer bags if you don't want to mess with more salsa.
And yes, I'm with the person who said you've got spaghetti squash. You can freeze that in bags as well. As for the orange thing. . . set it out by your pumpkins and call it a gourd.
Is it a cross breed? I have heard that cucumbers and melon will cross breed if planted too close together. Is that an myth or do I actually know what I am talking about? Who knows. Moral of my story: I don't know what it is either.
Erin, that might explain why they aren't a uniform color. I guess I won't know until I cut into them.
Lauren, do I have to cook it before I freeze it?
Anyone have some spaghetti squash recipes?
I think you treat it just like a butternut or acorn squash where you cut it in half and bake in the oven. Scoop out the innards and freeze it. I know there is a way you can can squash as well, but I'm all about the freezer bags sometimes.
No thanks. I'm fine on tomatoes. That is a lot of tomatoes. It's a no wonder you can't go to the thrift store on Friday :)
I've heard that you can serve spaghetti squash with spaghetti sauce over it. Never tried it, though.
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