The snow last Tuesday did not deter us from leaving the house and visiting the Butterfly Pavilion. Have you ever heard of The Savvy Source? Every once in awhile they have some really good deals for families. In this case, they had a premier family membership for $30 at the Butterfly Pavilion when it's normally $85. I couldn't pass that up! After the snow melted we met up with Carissa at The Butterfly Pavilion.
While the name leads one to believe that this place is all about butterflies, there are also plenty of other crazy creatures. Arachnids are a big deal here. Rosie the tarantula is pretty well known if you've heard anything about this Butterfly Pavilion.
Elizabeth kept calling everything a butterfly. It didn't matter if it was a cockroach, fish, or butterfly. It was clearly a butterfly. Don't mess with her.
Carissa really wanted to hold Rosie, but didn't want to do it by herself, so she convinced David to hold Rosie with her. He wasn't too excited, but he held her and got a sticker for it, so all was good! I don't think he'll be doing that again anytime soon.
My kids get really excited over insects. They saw these cockroaches and their eyes instantly lit up. Me? I was totally grossed out. Yuck!
Have you ever seen an upside down jellyfish? No? Well, now you have. If you've seen a normal jellyfish before these things just kind of throw you off. They're kind of goofy, and fun.
There's a tropical rainforestish area filled with butterflies. It's my favorite are in whole place. There are butterflies everywhere and they are gorgeous. I'll probably have another post of just butterflies. That's how cool they are.
I let Anna free in the butterfly area. She was so excited she couldn't stop dancing. Yes, I do believe she is growing again. Her clothes are looking a little small.
After we hung with the butterflies for awhile we headed to a little play and trivia area. There was a little zip line and the kids had a blast. Carissa was the zip line lady. 
There was even a little area for the little ones to crawl and climb on. Ann found this flower that was just her size.
The snow we had in the morning melted and it ended up being about 60 degrees out. Not bad for a snowy morning.
Carissa loves coming along with us on field trips to be my nanny. No wait. She's my co-mom. Okay, I'm sure everyone thinks she's my nanny. Whatever works, right? ;) We're a good team with the six kids.
I can't believe your children hold tarantulas. Just. Can't. Believe It.
Can you see that I'm terrified pushing David on that zip line? They need foam pieces at the bottom for when they fall.
I love to co-mom, let's do it again soon!!
I've held Rosie and I still can't believe I did that!
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