Monday, April 25, 2011


_MG_5353.jpgAfter a quick photo session, Easter morning, we headed to church for breakfast.

The youth cooked breakfast along with my husband to raise money for their catechism retreat later this summer.

My Lutheran Stud just happened to share a birthday with Easter Sunday this year. We sang and he had a tiny cupcake. :)
_MG_5364.jpgAfter breakfast the kids had the chance to hunt for Easter eggs. I think the adults were just as excited as the children. We had to hold them back and let the tiny babies go first.
_MG_5366.jpgElizabeth knew exactly what was going on this year. She was all over those eggs.

David's contemplating his next move.
_MG_5369.jpgI couldn't keep up with Rachel. She ran all over the place.
_MG_5370.jpgThomas filled his bag up pretty quickly. He was super cold and just wanted to go inside. It was quite a cold morning. I'm just thankful it didn't rain.
_MG_5374.jpgAnna didn't understand any of this. She was just wondering why she was outside in the cold picking up weird colored eggs. The children had plenty of time to check out their loot before church began.
_MG_5404.jpg". . . in the stead and by the command of my Lord Jesus Christ I forgive you all of your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
_MG_5410.jpgChrist is risen. He is risen indeed!

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