Ten shots in ten hours. No, not ten
shots, but yes,
shots. Got that? Good. Here we go!

Sometimes I like to make a mocha in the morning.

Unloading the dishwasher.

Cracking open the science book.

Lefthanded awesomeness. So far, four out of my six children are left handed. Just waiting for Anna to get her act together. Poor Rebecca, she's the only right handed person in our family.

Afternoon at the library.

Big chore for the big kids, organizing the shoe shelves.

Playing outside after nap time.

The neighbors bought McDonald's for dinner for all the kids.

Nothing like celebrating our neighbor's birthday on the bed of a pick up truck! Happy Birthday, Brenna!

Boys caught building a fort when they were supposed to be sleeping.
What a great day! Cute kids, sunshine, coffee, neighbors, cake . . . can't beat that.
My favorite shot is of David's face when he's caught in the act. Priceless.
What? No alcohol?
A) I love that so many of your kids are left-handed.
B) I love his face too.
D) My ten hours are going to suck. It's going to be ten shots of a computer screen with Japan headlines.
And I thought I had shoe problems. I'd hate to see your sock drawer !
Good point, Erin. Remedy that, Jan.
Monique, our socks aren't really that bad. The kids all wear Hanes socks. The "Hanes" is in a different color for each different size. Socks just get sorted according to color.
I'll take care of that next time. This was fun. I may have make this a weekly thing. :)
I officially hate you. First the home tour, now the ten in ten. You are making the rest of us look bad.
Kel, you forget that my camera is always out. :) Hey, where's your home tour anyway? I'm still waiting.
I'm looking at your pictures again instead of making dinner. I noticed your high heels in that shoe picture. Holy cow Batman! Can you walk in those heels? You need to teach me more than photography and sewing! Jan on the catwalk! Whoop!
Erin, you're hilarious. Has Lauren been talking to you about my shoes? She calls them hooker shoes. I will have to send you a few photos. :)
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