Sunday, February 20, 2011


_MG_3086.jpgHave you seen The Lutheran Witness lately?  Did you notice the makeover, not only on the outside, but the inside as well? Oh, you're not Lutheran? Well, here's your chance to see what we, Lutherans are all about. The Lutheran Witness has a sleek new cover that's simple and eye-catching. The inside? It's chock full of all sorts of Lutheran goodness. You're curious aren't you? Okay, I'll give a little peek.
_MG_3087.jpgThe articles inside pertain to issues that people deal with on a daily basis. The twist? It's from a Lutheran perspective. The articles show how to deal with certain issues as a Lutheran.
_MG_3089.jpgThere's always a letter from our current synod president, Pastor Harrison. He always has something good to say and/or teach. The synod's emphasis, or slogan, is Witness, Mercy, and Life Together.
_MG_3099.jpgAt the bottom of the articles inside, there are these cute, little dots, that show how the article relates to what our synod is trying to emphasize: witness, mercy, and life together. It's great!
_MG_3096.jpgThere are also little notes at the bottom of the pages giving you extra facts pertaining to the article.
_MG_3091.jpgIn the most recent magazine is an article discussing the good and the bad of being a Christian in, what has become, a crazy, technological world. With things like the internet, Facebook, and even email, how have our lives changed? Have they changed for better or worse? You'll have to check out the latest magazine to find out.
_MG_3090.jpgIn the back of the magazine is a bible study. The last two that I have read have been incredibly interesting and well written, though I might be a tad biased. The Transfiguration of Our Lord was the topic of study this past month. It was a wonderful reminder of how Jesus suffered for us on the cross. He went through much distress and torment from Satan, all for us! Pick up the lastest copy of The Lutheran Witness to read all about it._MG_3092.jpgThis beautiful lady here is behind all the wonderful changes in The Lutheran Witness. She's brought the magazine out of the 80s and into modern times and at the same time has brought in sound Lutheran doctrine, from which we can learn few things. After you read through your magazine be sure to send her a nice letter with all the reasons you love the "new" magazine. :)Okay, enough photos of the magazine. I'll probably get in trouble with some sort of copyright issue if I show you too much, so go pick up your own copy. Happy Sunday!


Kristen @ Joyfullythriving said...

Wow! This Lutheran is obviously behind on her Lutheran Witness reading. Thanks for the highlights. I love the updates! Maybe it's time to renew my subscription!

Adriane said...

Dear Jan,

Have you considered a career in marketing?


PS You are the best. Ever.

Kellee said...

Yes Jan, the best ever! Such a nice post!