Saturday, October 9, 2010

Manitou Springs

After hanging out at The Garden of the Gods for awhile we took a little jaunt over to Manitou Springs and found a little park.
Jared and I came here back in June and had such a great time that we decided to come back.

The kids (and adults) had a blast.
Elizabeth is really into slides right now. Once she goes down a slide one time she wants to keep sliding. If you try and get her away from the slides she throws a tantrum. That's right. I finally have a child that can be one of those "terrible twos" kids. 
Anna even got to play around a little bit.
I think our children are like monkeys. They love climbing whatever is in sight.
This was more Elizabeth's forte compared to the spinning merry go round.
There was a crazy teeter totter thing that looks kind of like a rainbow. It was pretty fun to play on.
After playing around we walked the town. There's really only one main street with a bunch of cute little shops.

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