We have a lot of friends that just happen to be pastors, Lutheran pastors to be exact. That may have something to do with the fact that my husband is a pastor and we are Lutheran. Let’s rewind a bit. Do you remember when our church put a softball team together? Well there were times when we didn’t know if we would have enough women to play, so we started looking for backups. As we asked around it was the husbands, our pastor friends that wanted to play. We didn’t need them. We already had enough men. What happens when you tell a guy no? They start getting ideas. That’s right.
Now fast forward to the present and we have a softball game. It takes a lot of grace to be a pitcher.
It’s not just any softball game though. Pastor Besel was our power hitter.
It’s all Lutheran pastors. Yup. That’s right. This is the first annual Denver Lutheran Pastors’ Softball game. Don’t tell Pastor Sherrill (above there), but I think he was the MVP of the whole game. If you say something to him he’ll get a big head, so shhhh!
This guy here, Pastor Wolfmueller, was the manager of the Denver South team. He actually got the ball rolling on getting this game together.
He’s pretty good at talking smack too.
See this stud here? That’s my Lutheran stud. He was the manager of the Denver North team. The cool team, if you will.
I think all the guys had a great time. Pastor Schilling and Pastor Meyer are discussing who can run the bases faster.
These pastors are rock stars. That’s Pastor Burnham trying to knock it out of the park and Pastor Fiene is there to catch the ball in case he misses. I’d rank these guys right up there with the Rockies. Okay, maybe just under the Rockies.
Either way, these guys even knew how to draw a crowd.
Fans were out in full force.
Of course I do think that the fans from Mt. Zion were the best of all.
In the end the Denver South team took home the trophy.
President Golter was the umpire. He did a lot of praying, so he says, over the calls he made. I bet if he prays a little harder next year the Denver North team will win. ;) (Quinton, if you were still here we could have used you too!)
That concludes the first annual Denver Pastors softball game. I’ve already got big plans for next year, so come on out and join the fun. I think we’ll have cookies and cupcakes at the game along with some burgers, hot dogs, and beer. Oh, wait. I’m not in charge, but if I have any say that’s what I’d do, so Kellee be ready to get baking next year.
I see some familiar faces, is that Principal Gehrke on the field?
That's a fun idea, for the pastors to have their own baseball league.
Yes! That's Principle Gehrke. He was the only non-pastor. :) Was he your principal?
Heather, where do you go to church? The guys were missing a few pastors.
I will be ready. I have LCMS cross cookies on the counter right now! It looks like you guys had a great time.
He wasn't yet principal when I was at DLHS, but I had him for algebra, statistics, and senior year Bible. He was an AMAZING Bible teacher. I learned so much in that class. Not a fan of math, but he was a great teacher in those classes, too.
We're members of University Hills Lutheran Church in southeast Denver, and our pastor is Rev. Steven Parks - he's a great pastor, we love him.
I love your S'mores cupcakes! They're beautiful and look delicious. I'm definitely going to try them!
The game was the first time I had met Dan. He seems really nice. I hope he can do great things for that school!
We know Pastor Parks. He was supposed to play in that game. Not sure which team but he was supposed to play. You should ask him why he wasn't there. :)
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