Yesterday (Friday), I took the older kids to Disney On Ice. This is the first year that I actually have pictures. The first time we went I took just the girls with my friend Marissa and her girls. It was really cold and snowy that night. I had my camera, however when we got to the front door they said my camera was too big and I wasn’t allowed to bring it in. I had to run, and I mean run because it was so cold, all the way back to the car. Did I mention we were in such a hurry to get to the show that I didn’t even check to see that my girls were dressed properly for the weather? They had sandals on and no coats, just sweatshirts or something. Yes, that’s right! Mom of the year here. Do you remember all of this Marissa? I am sure she does and she is probably laughing as she reads this. So onto last year. I figured I wouldn’t even bring a camera because of what happened the year before. Well, they didn’t even check our bags.
Now, this year I figured I’d give it a try. We got to the front door and no one checked our bags. I am beginning to wonder if it’s because we went with our church’s Early Learning Center. It was an afternoon show and we were even allowed to bring lunches. I bet that’s it. Anyways, don’t my kids look so excited? We were waiting for the show to begin. They are just in awe of everything.
(I was trying to get some panning action in. I need to keep working on that.) Now this guy is what makes me happy to be able to stay at home with my kids. No offense, I just wouldn’t want to be this guy wearing all this stuff, looking like a dork. I’m just saying I love my job and wouldn’t ever trade it.
Now you’ll have to bear with me. After going to this show without my camera two other times I went a little crazy this time. Oh, you love pictures so just sit back and enjoy the show! Disney on Ice wouldn’t be right if Mickey and Minnie weren’t around.
Same goes for Donald and Goofy. Those classics never go out of style.
Now I have to say that this was my favorite part. I love Mater. You know like Tomater, but without the To? They did a great job with the Cars.
Mater is my favorite, but Lightning McQueen is kind of the main character, I guess.
Oh, yeah. That car in the front is Mickey and Minnie’s car. It broke down and the rest of the cars were trying to help. Not sure what happened to the story line from there.
Then the Little Mermaid appeared for a visit.
The Lion King was also there. I’m not sure where the little car went.
Tinkerbelle and her Fairy friends were there as well. Mickey and Minnie then reappeared at the end, but I never saw the car again. Hmm… not sure what happened there. Maybe it got fixed earlier in the show. We had a good time. It’s fun to watch the kids while they are watching the show. They are completely mesmerized by the whole thing the whole time.
Rebecca had a little camera too. She actually took a ton of videos. Here’s one of them. What do you think? Videographer someday? She thought Jared would be interested in the show. There’s a ton of video. I’m not sure Jared will watch all of them. This one is pretty short compared to some of the other ones.
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