Wednesday, September 30, 2009

13 Months


Elizabeth turned 13 months this past Saturday.  (That means that Anna will be one month old this Saturday!)  It’s hard to believe that this little cutie pie is not the baby of the family anymore.  Strange as it may be, Elizabeth has moved into the role of a big sister!  Funny, right? Elizabeth13mth4 Would you believe that this cute little face knows how to get what she wants?  She has learned that she can let out this really loud, shrieking, scream and someone will come see what’s up.  She doesn’t like her personal space invaded by her brothers and sisters, so she will scream when they get too close.  If she doesn’t get her way, she screams.  For the most part she’s a pretty happy go lucky little girl, but every once in awhile watch out!

Elizabeth13mth5Elizabeth13mth3  Elizabeth13mth1

It may appear as though she has started walking.  That’s not the case.  Though I am completely sure that she knows how to walk I believe that she is being stubborn.  Elizabeth will stand up wherever she is and dance, play peek a boo, or wave.  In fact I think she prefers to stand because she can reach more things.  She has taken a few steps, but only when she doesn’t realize that she is actually walking.  When she realizes that she’s walking she’ll get down and crawl.  It’s pretty amusing to watch this all transpire. 



Joy said...

beautiful pics! gorgeous dress. my kids are 16 months apart so my 1 year old is already big sis, too.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your sweet comment. I hope you're enjoying having your kids close in age. It is so much fun! Your blog is so cute and your kids are adorable. :)