Whoa! I'm native to Seattle. I grew up with Starbucks. When Jared and I got married we moved to Ft Wayne, Indiana. There was no Starbucks there. It was devastating. Finally, our last year in Ft Wayne, Starbucks opened two shops. I can't believe I made it that long without Starbucks. It was almost 5 years. Every time we went back to Seattle or even just at the Sea-Tac airport I had to have Starbucks. We're in Colorado now. I've got two maybe three Starbucks within a mile of my house. I know which ones are drive thru and which aren't. I think it's an addiction I have, kind of like an alcoholic with alcohol. No, I'm not that bad. I think living in Ft. Wayne without Starbucks may have helped. However, have you seen the latest Starbucks product?
Ice cream. That's right. How can it get any better? Coffee and ice cream are already some of the best things on earth. Now to put them together at the same time is just perfect! Here's a
coupon for $1 off. Now go get some. It may become my new favorite especially since it's now summer.
Bad, Jan, bad! Now I have to go get some SB Ice Cream! :P
You are awesome! Thanks - now I have a reason to try it!
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