Saturday was a much anticipated day in Denver. It was the day that many thought was the beginning of the road to the Super Bowl for our beloved Broncos. Our friend, Leon, whom we watch the Broncos games with regularly, was able to get tickets, so that we could attend the game. I was super excited, as was Leon, when he called at 8 am and asked if I was ready for the game. Ready? I was more than ready. I was picking out my 20 layers of clothes that I planned on wearing during the game. It was supposed to be about 15 degrees for game time. All I had to do was get dressed and I was ready to walk out the door. The only problem was that the game didn't start until 2:30pm.

Some very sweet friends happily watched our children so that we could attend the game. They were even willing to have our children over a little early, so that we could attend a tailgating party by the stadium. You probably didn't know this but,
Comcast throws a tailgating party before every Broncos' game. The catch is that you have to be invited: meaning you have to be on "the list". We got an invite and had some fun before the game!

No tailgate would be complete without alcohol, so there was a wide variety of beer and mixed drinks as well. On a side note, Rebecca knitted my Lutheran Stud's scarf and gave it to him for Christmas. It was perfect for our game!

We made it just in time for a few pre-game festivities.

These parachuters were insane. They were dropping so fast that I thought they had lost control, but no, they were just showing off their mad skills.
Bronco introductions always begin with the players running out of the tunnel and fire shooting out. It really gets the crowd going.
United we stand as we listened to Jack Ingram sing the National Anthem.
Then came the fly over from the F-16s. Hello!

We got to enjoy watching Peyton Manning make use of his "laser rocket arm" while also wondering why he didn't use it more.

Some fine catches were made by Demaryius Thomas.

The crowd was wild even in the frigid temperatures. That's Manning trying to settle the crowd down.

He uses a no huddle offense, so he has to yell the play to his teammates. When the crowd is loud the players can't hear.

I've never had so much fun freezing my rear end off before that Saturday. I had 4 shirts on underneath my wool coat along with 2 pairs of pants, and 3 pairs of socks. It wasn't until the 2nd overtime did I feel my toes getting cold.

As the game wore on temperatures also dropped. They guy behind me had a beer that turned into a slushy.

My water also began turning into ice.

Now, if you know me you know I have a thing for Champ Bailey. I can't explain it, but he's my guy. Sadly, he did't play too well Saturday. It was totally uncharacteristic of him to miss the plays that he did. I guess there's always next year, right?

The game was close and kept us on our toes. Some amazing catches and runs were made.

However, by the end of regulation, things weren't looking so good. With overtime in our future we fans were getting nervous. That's Grace and Leon in the behind her. Grace and I enjoyed hanging out in the bathroom during halftime where we thawed out for about 15 minutes.

Then it happened. The Ravens scored a field goal to win the game. They sent the Broncos packing. They ended the Broncos' season and hopes for a Super Bowl. The stadium was in shock. We all left, frozen and completely devastated. Denver fans are still sad today, but with a season like the Broncos had, there are high hopes and expectations for a Super Bowl next year, so watch out NFL. The Broncos will be back better and stronger next year. I just know it.
Jan, I enjoyed hearing about your game day. I am a forever fan of Peyton Manning, having watched him with the Colts over the years, which is my team. I have tried to follow the Broncos this season, too. Was rooting for them Saturday! I enjoy your blogging...thanks for sharing.
I can imagine it was super devastating and fun at the same time. After reading this post I felt like putting on a sweater.
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