Thursday, June 30, 2011

Georgetown Loop

This is the Anderson family. Aren't they just super sweet looking? One morning they decided to take a ride on the Georgetown Loop Railroad.

IMG_9463.jpgIt was a supposed to be a family day, however when sweet little Kaden found out that he would have to leave his new best friend for the entire day he was devastated. For real. He was so sad. Summer decided that they needed to bring Thomas along with them. Both boys couldn't have been happier with that decision. Can you tell?
IMG_9468.jpgNow, Summer was kind enough to share all of these photos with me. I don't know if I know exactly what was going on in each picture, so I'll just make it up and we'll see how accurate I am. This was on the way to the railroad station.
IMG_9473.jpgSounds scary doesn't it? I'm not sure why it's called Devil's Gate.
IMG_9477.jpgTwo little boys trying to wait patiently. They were pretty excited waiting for the train to arrive.

IMG_9516.jpgHere comes the train! It's a steam engine.
IMG_9532.jpgThe horn must have been a little loud.
IMG_9545.jpgThey got to sit in open air car with a cover. How cool is that?
IMG_9585.jpgLooks a little scary to me, but they made it across that bridge just fine. ☺
IMG_9607.jpgOnce the made it to Silver Plume they were able to get off and do a little exploring for a few minutes.
IMG_9624.jpgThere were old train cars to look around.
IMG_9733.jpgHere's the train conductor that took their tickets and welcomed them onto the train.
IMG_9764.jpgThey went over this bridge, but they aren't actually on that train this was just a train passing by. Look at the incredible views. Beautiful isn't it? It makes me want to take a ride on this train. They all had a fabulous time.If you're out in Colorado you should definitely check this out. Thank you Anderson family for sharing such great photos with us and taking Thomas with you. It was a day he'll remember for a long time.

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