Monday, May 17, 2010

Oil Changes, a Bake Sale, and a BBQ

JacksonOn Sunday, after church, we took off for Go Honda to get our oil changed, eat some food, meet some people, and hang out.  It was the place to be on a sunny, Sunday afternoon…until the babies got grumpy.  :)CupcakesI spent a couple days baking up some goodies for their bake sale. My kids were okay that I ignored them for a couple days because I let them watch movies, which is rare around here. I have to thank our local King Soopers for donating all the containers for the cupcakes and cinnamon rolls.  I’ll have more pictures and recipes of the cupcakes and cinnamon rolls soon, I hope.    GOWe arrived just in time for lunch.  While our cars were getting their oil changed we had burgers and hot dogs.  We took over the waiting area in the service department. GO2The bake sale was a hit!  That little boy is eyeing my cupcakes.  I was glad to see that people actually bought them and loved them.  GO3Wouldn’t you like to own a grill like this?  GO4Jackson’s dad was able to visit just about every dealership.  He’s the guy in the white t-shirt.  Our friend Leon is the guy in the button up shirt with palm trees on it.  He got me involved with this fundraiser.  (During church, I used to threaten my boys by telling them that if they weren’t quiet they’d have to sit with Leon. It used to scare them into listening. Now the threats don’t work anymore because they all want to sit with him.)Cookies2   The fundraiser was an incredible success!  All the dealerships raised $28,500.  Go Honda/Mazda raised $5,500.  Awesome! You can read about it HERE on Jackson’s journal.


Adriane said...

Nice work, Jan! The baked goods look lovely. Jackson and his family are blessed to know you.

Kellee said...

Your tags are awesome. And so is the rest of your stuff!