Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Church Garden

If you’ve been to our house you know that we don’t have a very big yard.  And we really wanted to plant a lot of vegetables this year.  Our church, on the other hand, has a ton of space that isn’t being used.  Jared asked if we could plant a garden there and they said we could, so we Jared and his dad, or Papa as we call him, began the process last fall.  They dug up the ground.ChurchThen Papa dug it up again this spring to get the ground ready for seeds and plants. Church1Routine maintenance on the tiller. Church2Jared is digging to find the water line. Church3This little seeder makes things go a little faster and makes even rows. Church4I think Papa could do this all day long.  It’s too bad he doesn’t live closer.  We’d put him in charge of the garden for sure and he’d be good at it.Church5There was a lot of discussion about how and what to plant.  I’m still not sure what was all planted. Church6Here is Gavin with Jared and Rebecca.  He told me that he’s “been farming for three years now.”   He’s a Swanhorst, so it probably just comes naturally to him.  He was pretty excited to come and help out. Church7Rebecca got to help plant a few onions as well.Church8 It’s a little earlier to plant just about everything out here, but not according to Jared’s friend Tom, who every year plants a massive garden and people who see it wish they knew how to do what he does.  His secret?  Plant everything now…at least that is what he does and it works.Church9
We didn’t plant everything.  I think we planted peas, broccoli, corn, onions, spinach, and I don’t know what else.  I lost track.  We’re going to wait a little longer to plant the warm weather crops.  You think it was all work and no play?  Just wait for my next post.  Our church was rockin’.  So until next time….

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