
Saturday, December 18, 2010

In a Year's Time

I took these photos last month while the kids were messing around outside. We gave Rebecca a little MP3 player for her birthday. She loves listening to music and books.

I'll bet that it was about 65 degrees outside on that early November day. We've had a pretty mild fall. On average between the months of September through December our area usually sees about 25 inches of snow. This year we've only had 3. 

 That's just crazy! What's even crazier is that I keep hearing about how bad the weather has been all over the country, even in Seattle where they hardly get any snow. Last year at that time it was like THIS.

 Yep! Jared was shoveling 18 inches of snow off of our deck.
It's amazing to see what can happen in a year.


  1. Your kids are beautiful! My brother and I are half asian and they remind me so much of us as kids.

  2. Hi Ashley,
    Thank you! You have a cute blog! You should post some photos of yourself!
