Last week we got another snowfall. It was slick enough that I didn't make it to church. From what I hear people were getting stuck trying to go up and down hills. There were accidents everywhere because the snow turned to ice when it hit the ground. I could have slept in. Jared canceled bible study and came home early.
The children wanted to go outside and play so badly. Elizabeth even ended up going out before she had any outerwear on. She got mad when we tried to get her back inside to get her gear on. The kids played in the snow like they were swimming at the pool.
Snowballs were made, even in the freezing cold weather.
Then the neighbors came out and the fights began!
Did I mention that it was super cold outside?
Way to use the kids as a shield!
Snowballs weren't getting made fast enough.
They resorted to shovels instead.
We had to get a group shot of everyone.
The kids figured something was up. Hmm..
David had trouble standing on two feet. He was a little marshmallow.
Enough sitting around. It's time for another round of snow fights. The snow was actually so dry and cold that it was quite difficult to make snowballs, so just throwing snow was a lot easier.
Super cold yet Jared is just in a sweatshirt. Nice.
ReplyDeleteAnd let's be honest, Jan, with six kids you wouldn't have been able to sleep in. Or would you? (That would be awesome.)
I think it was between 16 and 20 degrees. I didn't last long out there. Jared and the neighbors actually all went sledding later and I think it was about 10 degrees by then. Brr!
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures.