
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Still in Denial

FMoveGoing to the seminary you meet and become good friends with a lot of people. Then after 4 years (or 5 in our case) you pack up and leave. It’s something you know is going to happen. It’s sad, but you still know what’s coming. Your friends end up spread out all over the country.

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It is quite rare to have such good friends in the same area as you when take a call to any congregation. We are fortunate to have several good friends in our area. However, once you’ve taken a call you don’t expect good friends to leave so soon.

FMove2 Earlier this week we helped the Fienes pack up and now they are headed to Illinois. Wow! FMove4FMove8

The kids hung out whilst the adults packed and cleaned.Fmove3

The Fienes got these two pods since they have no idea where they will be living when they arrive in Illinois. How crazy is that?

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The other crazy thing is that they had these two little pods. They had to fit their entire house inside of two pods. I must say as daylight began to vanish I still had my doubts, but they pulled it off with just inches to spare. Really. Inches. I don’t think much more could fit.


Then it was a frenzy to patch up holes, match colors, and sweep, and mop the floors. We got it all done and went out to celebrate say goodbye….

I am still in denial. I can’t believe you guys are gone. While I am happy for your call to Illinois I am still quite sad that you are gone. Until next time….


  1. So is there a vacancy near you? I know a pastor that would love to come to your area!

  2. I'm not sure this church will be calling another pastor. I pray that they don't as they cannot afford to pay a full time pastor.

  3. We are sad too. John got some new trains and said he couldn't wait to show his friends :(

  4. Glenn and I will miss you and Jared too, Jan (not to mention your cute kids)! We'll have to find a way to get to Denver sometime - or you could visit here. You're welcome anytime!

  5. We'd love to visit you in Texas sometime, Marcia
