
Sunday, November 28, 2010

He that Believes and is Baptized

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Beloved in the Lord! Last Sunday we had a triple baptism at church. My husband volunteered me to snap some photographs. That would require me to find someone to watch my children in the pew while I was in the choir loft. If you wonder what church is like for me here’s a little peek. It’s really chaotic. Kids are all over and papers are usually strewn all over the ground and on the pew. It’s just nuts, but we get through it.
BaptismBefore church I told these adorable little children that I would be photographing them. They found me in the choir loft and got pretty excited.Baptism5They had never witnessed a baptism before so they weren’t quite sure what was going on. “Receive the sign of the cross….”
Baptism7 Baptism11
“We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” (Romans 6:4)Baptism8Now this little cutie here wasn’t so sure about all of this. Baptism9  She made it through with flying colors!Baptism27 “Baptized into the death of Christ, He is a new creation. Through Christ’s redemption he shall stand.” (TLH #301)
You can view the rest of the photos HERE or view the slideshow below.


  1. Look at that smile on Jared's face! It must be days like that that remind him why he wanted to be a pastor.
