
Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Change2During our time in Seattle, if you didn’t know, you may have wondered why Jared wasn’t in most of the photos.  That is because he was in Houston, TX…taking care of business.   He was working.

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Can you see the hard work he put in? Drinking beer, talking theology, doing a little Jitter Bug.  (I stole these pics from Adriane.  Thanks for sharing!)

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Actually, some big things happened in Houston.  The major things were the presidential election and the restructuring of the synod.  The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod elected a new president, Rev. Matthew Harrison.Change5

And not only, did we elect a new president, but a resolution was passed granting more authority to the president taking away many boards that the LCMS had created.Change1

While the changes in the synod are huge, maybe even epic, there was another recent change in the Lutheran world.  Our dear friend, Adriane has taken over The Lutheran Witness!Change

You can read her article about the convention by picking up the latest copy of The Lutheran Witness, or HERE online.  She quoted my husband.  Go find it.  :)Change6

President Matthew Harrison takes office today.  And as my husband said, “Pastor Harrison has a pastoral heart, genuine zeal for Lutheran missions, and a desire to unite the Synod around the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”  I whole heartedly agree with him.  May the Lord richly bless our new president, Pastor Harrison.  You’re all jealous of that mustache aren’t you?


  1. Woot! Go Lutherans!

    I love the LCMS church. It's always nice to find other Lutheran bloggers. :-)

  2. Yeee-haw! Look at you giving the LCMS a shoutout!
