
Wednesday, August 18, 2010


UW On our last Sunday morning in Seattle, we  stopped by our (Jared and mine) old stomping grounds before church.  Jared and I met at the University of Washington when I was a wee little freshman and he was a mighty sophomore.  This is the main library on campus-Suzzallo, named after Henry Suzzallo who was president of the university in 1915.    Can you see Jared and the kids?UW1If you want to read more about the history of the library, since it’s so beautiful and all click HERE.  The building is just kind of breathtaking isn’t it?UW2 The campus is quite big, so we broke out the stroller.  Anna loves a ride anywhere.UW3 We’re on our way to Drumheller Fountain.UW4 The kids thought this fountain was just so cool!UW5Who wouldn’t be fascinated with water shooting up into the air like that? UW6All around the outskirts of the fountain are roses.  It’s just gorgeous when they’re all blooming. UW7 Why waste time looking for the wheelchair ramp when my strong husband can just carry the kids and stroller up the stairs?UW8 Thomas and Rachel found this cool rock area and wanted to have their picture taken.UW12 The rest of these photos I actually took with my phone. I came by campus the week before,after church, while Jared was still in Houston.  See the rose garden?  It actually goes all around the fountain.UW13   It’s quite a calming and relaxing area.UW11

Well, that’s just a tiny snippet of where Jared and I went to college.  I could go on and on, but my camera battery died and we had to get to church.  Hope you enjoyed seeing where we met.  :)  Unitl next time…

1 comment:

  1. Awww... that is so sweet. It has never occurred to me to show my boys where David and I met. Well, until now anyway. :)

    Love your family pic too. Your kids are always so darling!
