Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's Garden Time

Perfect day to plant the garden.The weather has been gorgeous lately. It's hard to stay inside or even home. We ventured out to church to work on our garden yesterday.
_MG_4802.jpgThe ground needed to be tilled after sitting for months.
_MG_4805.jpgMy Lutheran Stud is checking out the beautiful soft dirt.
_MG_4821.jpgWhile it may seem like it's just dirt at our garden that's wrong! We still have a row of carrots in the ground and they're perfect!
_MG_4824.jpgWe picked one row of carrots in the fall and kept them in a box, filled with sand, in our garage. That row lasted almost the entire winter. Since I finally ran out of carrots we pulled a few to bring home, and they're still crunchy. 
_MG_4826.jpgWe planted spinach, lettuce, cabbage, and brussel sprouts.
_MG_4828.jpgSoaker hoses! We began using a few of these hoses last year and they are great. Before, we had a few different varieties of sprinklers. The problem in our area is wind. If we had the sprinklers on, the wind would blow the water in wonky directions and sometimes didn't do a very good job watering our crops.
_MG_4829.jpgFor now my Lutheran Stud just places the hoses directly over the seeds and the water goes directly into the ground before the wind has a chance to blow it away. 
_MG_4830.jpgIsn't this exciting? Have you started planting yet? On Sunday mornings I like to watch the garden man on 9News before we leave for church. He has begun planting his garden too, so you better hop to it.

1 comment:

Adriane said...

Sigh. It's hard to garden in an apartment complex. I'm living vicariously through you!