Tuesday, June 30, 2009


On Sunday, I had the pleasure of meeting my first Martin Loopers friends in person! For those of you who don’t know what Martin Loopers is it’s an email list for Lutheran homeschoolers. It was fun to meet and see the faces of some of the people with which I have been exchanging emails. Rachel came to our church in the morning then we met up with Lisa at the park in the afternoon. We didn’t last too long at the park. It was extremely crowded and miserably hot! We ended up having everyone to our house instead. I don’t think anyone’s kids whined one bit when we said it was time to leave the park. I think they were just as overwhelmed and hot as we all were. Loopers2 Martin Looper Moms!


Now I think these next photos are a hoot! It is quite challenging to photograph several children all at once. It was worth a shot. Two of mine are missing due to napping and throwing a tantrum. Now Rachel has all boys. Can you pick them out? They don’t see girl toys very often. I think they need a sister. I think all of Lisa’s kids look like her so you should be able to pick them out pretty easily. Though our visit was short I think everyone had a great time!



Maybe Rachel has some better photos on her camera. She’s still driving home, I think…


Jennifer Van Cleave said...

Wish I knew about this group when I was still a Lutheran :). The shots of all the kids are really funny and so true. Looks like you all had a good time.

Colleen said...

That is really neat that you have connected with these people!